Business & Marketing Questionnaire

Unlike most courses at UKDA, the Business & Marketing Course has no set structure or syllabus, instead each day is based around the requirements of the candidate. As a consequence, it really helps us to learn about your business in advance so we can prepare the appropriate materials prior to your session.

Please complete the questions below as fully as you can, including any details you think would be relevant. All information is strictly confidential and will purely used to tailor your day to be as useful as possible for you. Do not feel obliged to answer all the questions, if there are answers you don’t know or don’t wish to share, that is absolutely fine.


Step 1 of 6
Please state the approximate month and year when you started offering car care as a chargeable service.
Working in car care can include working as a valeter/detailer for another company for example.
This include previous jobs and experience, professional qualifications
If yes, use the box below to say which roles are employed.
Tick all that apply
Selected Value: 0hours
Take an average, and only include hours worked for the car care business if you have multiple jobs. Includes admin, marketing, manual labour, driving to and from jobs etc.

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