Blog Post

UK Detailing Academy’s running blog commentary on the detailing industry’s questions, useful guides, and articles designed to help you start, grow and run your detailing business.

Business Sustainability scales UKDA ©

Sense and Sustainability

Building a sustainable detailing business isn’t just about the figures, we look at the bigger picture and provide strategies that you can use to run your business more effectively and maintain a great work/life balance.

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Working for free

Would you work for free?

  “Whilst you’re there” – a slippery slope in business     We constantly see posts from industry professionals showing how they have “gone the extra mile” for their customers.  “I wasn’t happy with a

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Dual Action or Rotary

Where to Start – Polishers.

We are regularly asked about what machine polisher someone should invest in, so we have put together a little guide to help those select the right genre of machine for their needs.

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Competitive Pricing UKDA

Competitive Pricing

How much should I charge for a valet? A question we are regularly asked. In this blog we talk about pricing, costing, and value – with hints & tips to avoid the pitfalls.

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Bolt-ons for Business Growth

Once you’re ticking along with your detailing empire and the work is flowing through, you can look to add significant growth to your detailing business. Bolt-ons are what we call additional complimentary services – something

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